The Marwar Festival, celebrated during the auspicious Sharad Purnima, goes on for a period of two whole days. The festival is held in the honor of the valiant heroes of Rajasthan who had lain down their lives for the protection of their homeland. The Marwar Festival is highly rated and attended by people from all the state as the honor, and chivalry forms an integral part of the Rajasthani culture.
Originally known as the Maand Festival, the Marwar Festival is a grand event that showcases the culture of the Marwar region. Energetic performers converge here to regale onlookers with their talents, which is a treat to the eyes. Music and dance become the order of the day at the Marwar festival where you will never have a dull moment. Besides, a host of competitions and other attractions like horse riding and horse polo make a visit to the Marwar festival an experience to cherish for a lifetime