The Festival of Sheetala Ashtami is held amidst great fervor in a small village of Chakshu, near Jaipur whose inhabitants are motivated by the belief by paying obeisance to the Sheetala Mata, the goddess of small pox, they will be spared the from a number of epidemics. The deity of Sheetala Ashtami is represented by a red stone.
The market that comes up during the festival is very popular with the devotees that flock the shrine of Sheetala Mata. Locally made shoes, clothes, food and agricultural implements are the main items on sale during the fair. Along with religious rituals music and dance can also be seen and heard in plenty during Sheetala Ashtami. It is great to watch people divided in colorful clusters offer a great display of their musical talents. So, hurry and Travel to Jaipur,